The Nexus Foundation
The foundation has been formed in 18th of June 1998, on a statutory meeting, its activity being legally represented by the following legal order: 407/17.09.1998.
The main goals of the Nexus Foundation:
The foundation has been formed in 18th of June 1998, on a statutory meeting, its activity being legally represented by the following legal order: 407/17.09.1998.
The main goals of the Nexus Foundation:
Az alapítvány az 1998 június 18.-i alapítói közgyűlésen alakult, és tevékenységét törvényesen a 407/1998.09.17 törvényszéki határozat alapján végzi.
A Nexus fő céljai:
Fundația Nexus este persoana juridică care susține financiar și sponsorizează Ansamblul Folcloric "Ördögborda".
Scopul principal al Fundației Nexus este promovarea, cultivarea, dezvoltarea si sprijinirea materiala si morala a traditiilor populare, culturale, folclorice.
Directiile si formele de actiune sunt: